Congratulations Tianna Hudak, Mojan Jamalzadeh, Lukas Lund, and Krysten Zissos for their first place finish at LiteHacks 2020, a start-up hackathon for teams to design and build a business idea in 12 hours.

L to R: Lukas Lund, Krysten Zissos, Mojan Jamalzadeh, Tianna Hudak
Tianna Hudak: “Our idea is called SwipeLab, an app that allows individuals who are working on personal projects to easily connect with others who want to help. Our goal is to optimally match people looking for projects to join with those who have projects and are looking to build a team.
A ‘project seeker’ would be presented a project and would swipe left or right depending on if they are interested in joining the project and if they have the desired skills. A ‘people seeker’ would be presented with potential teammates and swipe left or right if they think the person would be a good fit to their team. If they make a mutual match then they can start communicating. We think it would be a great platform for students who have trouble making interdisciplinary connections to work on personal projects.”