ENPH students create an immersive sensory experience of shared breathing
Pictured below L to R: Lauren Halloway, Nika Martinussen, and Chloe Benko-Prieur, testing their prototype of a large custom-made bellows that will pump water into and out of cushions on a robotic “chair,” simulating the breathing of the other user. This project, which began in ENPH 459 and completed the following year in ENPH 479, […]
Information Session for First Year Students
February 1, 2024, 12:00 – 2:00 in Hennings 202. Andre Marziali, Engineering Physics Program Director, will be hosting an information session to answer your questions about Engineering Physics. If you have a class during part of this time, come by when your class ends.
High School Student Information Events
In Person: Saturday January 27th | UBC Forestry Building atrium, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver Campus | 10 am to 2 pm Online: Monday February 12th | 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Zoom (details provided by email prior to event) Please RSVP here by Sunday, January 21st for both events. (Additional information can be found […]